لمعت عينيها في شغف وقالت "رغم تبدل الأحوال وتقلب الزمان، مازالت قواعد العشق النقى ثابته، فها انا ارى ابتسامتك الخجولة يا فتاة وانتى تنتظرين بصبر اللقاء الموعود،لقد كنت اراقبكما عن كثب، البداية كانت بانجذاب روحى، ثم إحتماء تلاه إحتواء، وها قد وصلنا لطلب اللجوء الأبدى في وطن المودة والرحمة".
The terrorist saw through the filter and was tickled for a moment. She said, I am an interesting jew and the volatility of her mass remained unchanged. She weighted and interest did compound. She knows she is to be held and ADORED. How to do justice to a golden lyra? There is nothing cute except for my wife – she manages to keep her smile though the filter has been stained. Her faith will keep her nations borders secure, though death seeps in out of hell at the command of a man whose eyes bleed wild honey. You will be safe Mahina.