Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Mgical world

      فى عالم سحرى مملوء بالبراءه والنقاء كان لقائنا الأول ...نسينا أعمارنا الحقيقيه...محينا كل القيود ....أزلنا كل الحواجز...صنعنا ذكريات لن تنمحى من  ذاكرتنا حتى الممات...بنينا صداقة من نوع خاص...ذلك النوع من الصداقات الذى يؤثر على الجانب الطفولى بداخلنا...كم من ضحكات صافيه أطلقناها سوياً!!! كم من حلوى تقاسمناها معاً!!! لقد حولنا هذا العالم الخيالى الى واقع فى قلوبنا الصغيره.(
In a magical world full of innocence and purity was our first meeting. We forgot our real ages, and broke barriers and restrictions. We made wonderful memories that would never be erased from our minds until death. We had a special kind of friendship which affected the inner childlike aspects of our characters. What a wonderful and pure laughter that we had together! What a huge amount of candy that we shared together! We had transformed this magical world into a real one in our little hearts.)


  1. Thnx alo0o0o00o0o0o00o0ot Omar but your blogger is better than mine :)

  2. i like it .. . .. . coolll .. . . . . . :-) :-O :-D :-p

  3. I'm happy that u like it zeeshu :-) :-O :-D :-p

  4. u r welcome Mahy . . . . . m going to edit it in my blog . . . . . :-O

  5. Thnx alot :-) I saw it :-) now everything is perfect buddy :-p:-):-o:-D

  6. yeah it happens we forget all about the reality when we meet some one very special n later when we came to know about this weird world it hurts................

  7. beautiful its sad we tend to forget these moments as adults thank you for reminding us of simpler times :) may Allah bless you
